Made In Baleares Short Films

Made In Balearic Short Films
Al cor d'una família aparentment feliç, hi ha traumes que han estat sense resoldre durant anys. Secrets amagats en les profunditats de la ment i somnis que volen complir-se surten a la llum, després d'un esdeveniment que ho canviarà tot.
In the heart of an apparently happy family, there are some traumas that have remained unresolved for years. Secrets hidden in the depths of the mind and dreams that wish to be fulfilled come to light, after an event that will change everything.
Saturday 02.11.24
16:00 h | Cineciutat | Sala 1
Dir. Ricard Peitx
MIB, 2024, 19 min.
Es w/ Eng sub.

El Padre Soñado
Made In Balearic Short Films
Un home condueix fins al cementiri per visitar la tomba del seu pare. Mentrestant, el seu pare, amb aspecte jove i vestit de soldat, se li apareix assegut al seient del darrere. El fill aprofitarà la situació per parlar d'una cosa de la qual es penedeix des de fa anys.
A man drives to the cemetery to visit his father's grave. Meanwhile, his father, looking youthful and dressed as a soldier, appears to him sitting in the back seat. The son will take advantage of the situation to discuss something that he has regretted for years.
Saturday 02.11.24
16:00 h | Cineciutat | Sala 1
Dir. Pep Tosar
MIB, 2024, 15 min.
Cat w/ Eng sub.

Made In Balearic Short Films
Theodore entra a un club de Nova Orleans on coneix la Marie, una cantant seductora. Marie porta en Theodore a una droga subterrània. Allà, Theodore revela la seva veritable naturalesa a través d'una sèrie de monòlegs i accions violentes.
Theodore enters a New Orleans club where he meets Marie, a seductive singer. Marie takes Theodore to an underground drug den. There, Theodore reveals his true nature through a series of monologues and violent actions.
Saturday 02.11.24
16:00 h | Cineciutat | Sala 1
Dir. Jeronimo Forradellas Fantini, Iñigo Gibernau Murré
MIB, 2024, 25 min.
Es w/ Eng sub.

Made In Balearic Short Films
El Carlos reflexiona sobre la seva vida i les seves decisions mentre brega amb una avaria del cotxe. Després de patir una sèrie d'esdeveniments extraordinaris, té l'oportunitat d'explorar diferents versions de la seva vida a través de claus simbòliques. Al final, el Carlos aprèn a acceptar el seu present i mirar cap al futur amb esperança, deixant enrere les il·lusions del passat.
Carlos reflects on his life and his decisions while dealing with a car breakdown. After suffering a series of abnormal events, he is offered the opportunity to explore different versions of his life through symbolic keys. In the end, Carlos learns to accept his present and look into the future with hope, leaving behind the illusions of the past.
Saturday 02.11.24
16:00 h | Cineciutat | Sala 1
Dir. Andrés Burgos Calle
MIB, 2024, 16 min.
Es w/ Eng sub.

The Escape Artist
Made In Balearic Short Films
El primer moment de veritat d'un mentider patològic.
The first moment of truth from a pathological liar.
Saturday 02.11.24
16:00 h | Cineciutat | Sala 1
Dir. Isabella Rose
MIB, 2024, 4 min.
Eng w/ Es sub.

Made In Balearic Short Films
La Nakia decideix visitar i conèixer el seu pare per primera vegada a la seva vida, al cementiri on està enterrat. Després d'haver tingut massa por d'afrontar aquest moment fins ara, un secret que porta la Nakia l'empeny a enfrontar-se a la incòmoda veritat del seu passat.
Nakia decides to visit and meet her father for the very first time in her life, at the cemetery where he is buried. Having been too afraid to face this moment up until now, a secret Nakia carries pushes her to confront the uncomfortable truth of her past.
Saturday 02.11.24
16:00 h | Cineciutat | Sala 1
Dir. Olivia Gajetzki, Peter Benedict Salole
MIB, 2024, 7 min.
Eng w/ Es sub.

A Mí Nadie Me Dice
Made In Balearic Short Films
Un home i una dona tenen una cita. Ell expressa els punts de vista curiosos sobre el menjar. Ella aprèn el joc i...
A man and a woman have an appointment. He plays funny points of views of the meal. She learns the game and…
Saturday 02.11.24
16:00 h | Cineciutat | Sala 1
Dir. Philip Rogan
MIB, 2024, 3:30 min.
Es w/ Eng sub.

A Bit Of Fun
Made In Balearic Short Films
La detectiu Meyer va més enllà de la seva jurisdicció per a investigar un misteriós suïcidi i ha d'enfrontar-se als dimonis de la seva infància.
Detective Meyer goes beyond her jurisdiction to get to the bottom of a mysterious suicide and has to face the demons of her childhood.
Saturday 02.11.24
16:00 h | Cineciutat | Sala 1
Dir. Alisa Selishchava, Carmen Molinar
MIB, 2024, 7 min.
Ger w/ Es sub.